Eating Disorder Certification
If you have a passion for treating clients with eating disorders, make sure you have the appropriate recognition for you clinical experience. Your CEDS certification thru IAEDP will be your badge for demonstrating your commitment to your community by showing clinical excellence in the treatment of eating disorders.
By choosing your CEDS-S Supervisor, joining IAEDP, and completing CEDS courses requirements, you will benefit from your CEDS Certification in the following ways:
- Increased Professional Identity as an Eating Disorder Specialist
- Greater Involvement in Ethical Standards as an ED Practitioner
- Increased Marketability and Consumer Confidence
- Connection with the warm and committed Professional Community of IAEDP
Barbara Reese, LCSW, CEDS-S is an Approved Clinical Supervisor for the State of New Jersey. She received her CEDS-S certification from the International Association of Eating Disorder Professionals and follows their treatment models and standards.
She is 1 of 5 who have this certification in the state of New Jersey, and 1 of 2 who have the CEDS-S certification. Ms. Reese certified in FBT for Child and Adolescent Eating Disorders by the Institute of Child and Adolescent Eating Disorders, the training institute by Drs. Locke and LeGrange.
Ms. Reese is 1 of a 2 practitioners in the state of New Jersey who possesses a dual advanced certification in CEDS-S and FBT certification for Children and Adolescents

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We are please to come to your school or facility to offer workshops and trainings on a variety of mental health topics.