We offer evidence-based therapy groups year-round that teach proven DBT strategies and skills along with valuable support. We offer both DBT Skills Programs and Eating Disorder Recovery Skills GroupsDiscover A Resilience Group
Join Your Resilience Group
Winter Programs 2025
DBT Skills Groups

DBT Skills Groups: Adolescents
DBT Skills Groups: Adolescent; Multi-Family
Thursdays: 5:00 PM
Is your teen struggling with emotion regulation , anxiety, trauma, or social isolation? Consider our outpatient comprehensive DBT program for Adolescents. Parents learning the formal DBT Skill set, alongside their children, in the Multi-family Format, is considered Gold Standard treatment. Parents first-hand knowledge of the DBT coping skills is the best way to be able to help their adolescent – in-the-moment.
Comprehensive Adolescent DBT – The evidenced-based mental health program that will improve your teens mental health and bring you closer together!
DBT Skills for High School Students and Parents is our College Prep Mental Health program
DBT Coping Skills – Don’t leave home without them!
DBT Skills Groups: Young Adults & University Students
Resilience DBT Skills Groups: Young Adults
Mondays 6:00 PM
Mondays – 1:00 PM
Resilience DBT Skills groups are for young adults in serious pursuit of Mental Health Resiliency.
Young adults and university students struggling with mood or anxiety disorders can find support, compassion, and connection with like-minded peers, while learning the formal DBT coping skill set. DBT Modules rotate throughout the year in weekly groups:
- Core Mindfulness
- Emotion Regulation
- Distress Tolerance
- Interpersonal Skills
- Middle Path
Resilience offers evening and daytime sections to support young adult and college students with their personal/academic schedules.
DBT – The most comprehensive curriculum of coping skills we have today for Personal and Academic Success!

DBT Skills Groups: Adult
DBT Skills Groups: Adult Men & Women
Mondays 6 PM
Please join this outpatient DBT Skills group for adult men & women seeking recovery from anxiety, depression, eating disorders, grief, and trauma. Learn and integrate the formal DBT coping skills and self-care skills with like-minded adult men & women.
Core Mindfulness
Emotion Regulation
Distress Tolerance
Interpersonal Skills
Let go of your Inner Critic and Replace with Loving Kindness
Find Support, Compassion, and Connection with others
DBT Skills Groups: Parents
For Parents of High School and University-Age Students
Thursday 5:00 PM
Managing the mental health needs of your older teen or young adult, is not easy and there is no “manual”. Centering yourself with your own DBT skills and supporting your child’s DBT skill learning can be valuable to you at this time.
DBT Skills for Parents – Manage your own stress and increase your parental effectiveness

Eating Disorder Groups

Eating Disorder Groups: Adolescents
DBT-ED Skills Group: Adolescent; Multi-Family
Thursdays: 5 PM
The Best of FBT, CBT-E, and DBT
Is your teen struggling with food and body image? Our comprehensive adolescent and parent program is designed to support your teen during their Eating Recovery. In a supportive and pro-recovery environment, teens will learn the formal DBT Skill set to improve their coping skills during their of eating disorder recovery. CBT-E is an integral part of the group to address the target symptoms of eating disorder recovery. Find your strength and resilience to fight eating disorder thinking and behaviors. Support of the group is intended to counteract cultural messages that promote unrealistic and harmful beauty standards for body size and shape. The goal of the DBT-ED Skills Group is to have a normalized relationship with food and develop Body Positivity.
Eating Disorder Groups: Young Adults & University Students
DBT-ED Skills Groups: Young Adults, University Students, Athletes and Dancers
Mondays 1 PM
Mondays 6 PM
Tuesdays, noon
Thursdays, noon
In this Pro-Recovery Skills Group, participants will learn the complete DBT skill set integrated with CBT-E to learn skills and tools for managing emotions that make one vulnerable to eating disorder thinking and behaviors. Develop a positive body image and normalized relationship with food. Reclaim your personal power and focus on changing the World, not your body! Your energy is needed!

Eating Disorder Groups: Adults
DBT-ED Skills Groups: Adults
Mondays 6 PM
For Eating Disorder Recovery & Relapse Prevention
Our outpatient Eating Disorder Recovery group for adult men and women offers support for your daily challenges with food and pre-occupation around food and exercise. This group follows the formal DBT Skills modules for improved coping skills and integrates CBT-E for transdiagnostic approach to resolving Anorexia, Bulimia, and Binge Eating Disorder. Our Multi-cultural orientation will help you understand the impact of cultural bias on appearances , gender identity, and body image.
Improve your Body Image, and your Relationship with Food, and Your Self-Esteem
Eating Disorder Groups: Parents & Caregivers
Family Based Treatment Orientation
Mondays 5 PM
For Parents with Children, Adolescents, and College Students, in Eating Disorder Recovery
This supportive weekly group is for parents who have children, adolescents, or young adults in Family Based Treatment. The group program is designed to help parents feel more empowered and get ideas and feedback from other parents on how to help your child, teen, or young adult, resolve eating disorder problems or behaviors. Learn how to protect the mental health of yourselves and your other children, while supporting your struggling child.
Take charge of the mealtimes in your household and support your child’s healing – today!