Unmasking the Silent Battle: Kerry Washington's Brave Revelation and the Universality of Eating Disorders
Unmasking the Silent Battle: Kerry Washington’s Brave Revelation and the Universality of Eating Disorders
Eating disorders don’t discriminate. Eating Disorders affect individuals regardless of race/ethnicity, gender, age, and body size. Recently celebrity Kerry Washington bravely shared in recent interview, her personal battle with an eating disorder and perfectionism, that escalated when she was a college student. Her story highlights the darkness and scariness of an eating disorder, that can culminate in suicidality.
We thank Ms. Washington for giving up her personal privacy to remind us that eating disorders left untreated and unrecognized, can progress at an alarming and frightening pace. Let’s support each other in our journeys towards body positivity, good self-esteem, and mental well-being.

If you or someone you know is dealing with an eating disorder, consider exploring the expert clinical services offered by Resilience DBT & Eating Recovery – licensed in NJ, NY, MD and FL. Visit ResilienceTherapy.com Together, we can promote Eating Disorder Recovery and Mental Health Resilience.
Source: https://people.com/kerry-washington-contemplated-suicide-eating-disorder-7972621